Book Review · Children's Books

Not Inside This House! By Kevin Lewis, Illustrated by David Ercolini

61eGAL9Ii9L._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_Livingstone Columbus Magellan Crouse is a very unique boy, who is not entertained or impressed with normal toys and games like other boys and girls. He is fascinated by bugs and animals that are outside. At first it starts small. Livingstone brings home things like bugs and mice, but soon things start getting out of hand. Each time his mother tells him he cannot bring these friends in the house, Livingstone goes out and finds an even bigger animal to bring home.

This entire book rhymes and makes it for a pleasant rhythmic read. The illustrations are complete and filled to the brim with even the smallest of details creating another depth for this book. On many levels this book teaches lessons, that it’s okay to be different as well as his mother learning that she needed to loosen up and accept her son the way he was.

I loved this book is was so much fun to read. I would pause before announcing the next animal before turning the page and my son and I had a fun time shouting out the animal as we saw them. Not Inside the House is an easily interactive read and completely filled with fun cover to cover.

5/5 Stars, A must have on any little boy’s shelf.

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