Book Review · Children's Books

Library Mouse, By Daniel Kirk

51lmKou2LgL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_Library Mouse is about the exciting life of a mouse named Sam who lives in the library. Every night Sam went out and read all kinds of books. He loved the books and read them by the dozen until one night Sam decides to right a book all of his own. The book is found and passed around and Sam decides to right another, this one received with even more joy and appreciation than the first.

After a third book the librarian decided to write a letter to the mystery author asking for a meet the author day since all of the children so loved his books. Sam, being a mouse, was very nervous about meeting people, but that didn’t stop him from coming up with a perfect plan.

Library Mouse is a beautiful mix of lovely and clever. The fact that a little mouse can come up with stories that are so well loved is a beautiful thing for a child. This book takes on the message that you can do anything you set your mind to, anything that you work hard at can be achieved. This is a wonderful book to encourage reading, writing, and imagination.

While this is a very lengthy read, I believe not a word is wasted or meaningless. This is a great book for bedtimes but was not easy at least for me to get through with a child who would rather run around the room and play instead. I feel I enjoyed this book more than he did, but it would be much more than suited to a slightly older child. Perhaps in the first or second grade. This book is a shew in as well for activities with your child. After reading this book you may just want to write books of your own and share them together.

4/5 Stars

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